A 1-year journey to improve the customer shopping experience at Drogarias São Paulo and Pacheco.


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When I joined the DPSP group, the company was going through a complex and chaotic moment in the transition of the drugstore app (São Paulo and Pacheco), with the end of a feature that caused discontentment among customers.

Based on this, we sought to understand the fundamental problem of users through complaints in the Google and Apple stores, as there was a limitation with Brazilian law, the LGPD - Lei Geral de Produção de Dados Pessoais (General Law for the Protection of Personal Data) and some colleagues could not allow interviews with users.


When we analyzed the transitional application, we first evaluated the reason for the dissatisfaction of the users, through reviews of the application stores. Using appbot, we saw that the general negative sentiment was around 90% in November 2021, we also raised the main pain points of users, such as registration problems, friction at user flows such as in the login area, shopping basket problems, etc.

So, we mapped and documented the app's flows (Nov/2021) and saw that it had very long steps, usability errors, and missing or error feedback.
